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Preparing your pharmacy for sale

Preparing your pharmacy for sale

Whatever the reason behind your decision to sell your pharmacy, it’s important to give yourself enough time to prepare your pharmacy for sale, as prospective buyers will be looking for a number of factors when conducting their due diligence. Here, we provide an...

What to know when buying a pharmacy

What to know when buying a pharmacy

Buying a pharmacy can be an exciting but complex endeavour, especially if you’re new to the process. Here are essential factors to consider before when taking the plunge: Money talks… When considering a pharmacy purchase, you will need to delve into the financial...

Why you need a Shareholders Agreement

Why you need a Shareholders Agreement

For privately owned companies, a shareholders agreement is absolutely essential. Even if you’ve started a business with friends or relatives, this formal legal document sets out ground rules for ownership of the business, including the roles, the responsibilities and...