What Are The Different Countries Where I Can Register My Trademark?

What Are The Different Countries Where I Can Register My Trademark?

Registering your brand’s trademark in every country within which it operates is crucial in order to protect your reputation and IP rights. It is possible to register a trademark in virtually every country, and most jurisdictions have a Trademark Office. When you wish...

How Can I Prevent Someone From Using My Trademark?

How Can I Prevent Someone From Using My Trademark?

If your business has spent time and effort in developing its brand, trademark infringement could pose a significant threat to your organisation. It is, therefore, crucial to register your trademark to ensure optimal protection for your brand as well as the services...

What Happens If Someone Infringes On My Trademark?

What Happens If Someone Infringes On My Trademark?

For any business that has spent time, money, and effort on building up a strong and reputable brand, discovering that another party is infringing on their trademark can be a worrying and potentially damaging occurrence. Action must be taken rapidly to guard against...

Why Do I Need To Trademark My Business?

Why Do I Need To Trademark My Business?

Many small businesses are often busy taking care of all the important aspects needed to run on a daily basis, however one of the aspects often overlooked by newly registered or young companies is trademarking. A trademark is an essential piece of intellectual property...