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Buying a Dental Practice – What you need to know?
Who is selling? It is often assumed that a selling dentist is someone who wants to retire and stop practising clinical duties on handing over the keys; rarely, do we see this in today’s market. A dentist looking to sell tends to be someone who has decided...
Employee-friendly Settlement Agreement FAQ
1. What is a Settlement Agreement? A Settlement Agreement is a legally binding agreement between you and your employer. The purpose is to resolve a dispute between you and your employer; however, a Settlement Agreement is usually entered into on termination of your...
What is Insolvency and Restructuring: UK Law
Insolvency and restructuring are covered by comprehensive but complex legislation in the UK. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about how this area of law works in practice within the UK. What is the legal definition of insolvency? There are a number...
What Are The Professional Indemnity Requirements In The Pharmacy Industry?
Professional indemnity is designed to protect you from any lawsuits or acquisitions that have been filed by clients as well as other parties that allege to harm or loss as a consequence of an improper service, product or counsel that you have provided them with....
CQC Applications
I am a first-time buyer, what CQC applications will I need to have in place to facilitate my dental practice purchase? The CQC application is onerous and will require a substantial amount of preparation prior to submission. The first application is the primary one and...
24 Hour Retirement – the “cash-out” button for your NHS Pension
What is a 24-Hour Retirement? The process is to retire from your current GDS/PDS contract over a weekend (for 24 hours Saturday to Sunday) before returning to work as normal on the Monday. Following your return to work you will receive a lump sum from your NHS pension...
Everything You Need To Know About Holiday Pay For Part Year Workers
In light of the recent court case of Harpur Trust v Brazel, which was heard in the Supreme Court, you may have some questions surrounding the outcome of the judgement and what this means in terms of paid holiday days for employees who have irregular working hours or...
Hashmi v Lorimer-Wing – What does this mean for Sole Director Companies?
Hashmi v. Lorimer-Wing [2022] EWHC 191 is a recent case that exposed anomalies within the Model Articles and raised concerns about the legality of decisions made by private corporations who operate with sole directors. What Are...
Why You Should Use A Solicitor When Submitting Trademark Applications
Many organisations are unaware of the importance of their company's intangible assets, although they are frequently crucial to developing a relationship with customers. A trademark logo or brand-specific designs or colour combinations can help your business stick out...
Selling A Pharmacy – The Four Points To Consider
If you’re selling a pharmacy, there are lots of things that you need to keep in mind, especially if you’ve never been in this position before. With this in mind, here are four key points that you should consider to help streamline the process and ensure that...