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Trade Mark Infringement on Amazon
One of the more common questions that we get asked is about trade mark registration and infringement on Amazon, the popular online marketplace. As one of the most visited websites in the world and the biggest e-commerce site, Amazon offers various methods of reporting...
9 Things to Look Out For When Buying a Pharmacy
When buying a business, there are many important legal considerations to take into account and lots of pitfalls to look out for—even more so when buying a pharmacy. This is because the pharmacy industry is highly regulated, and pharmacy owners are legally bound to protect the wellbeing of patients and the public in the way they run their business.
Deal Advice: You’ve signed the Heads of Terms. What could go wrong?
It’s not uncommon for sellers to think that a sale is as good as complete once the heads of terms are signed. However, signing heads of terms (also known as letters of intent or memoranda of understanding) is only the first step in starting negotiations for a sale and purchase agreement (SPA).
Corporate Insolvency for Businesses: Who said you don’t need a corporate secretary?
In challenging economic times, it is not uncommon for businesses of all sizes to find themselves in dire financial straits, which can lead to a company becoming insolvent. While insolvency is not a desirable scenario, some insolvency procedures can be the life raft a drowning company needs to get back on its feet. With this in mind, here are six key things every business owner should know when it comes to corporate insolvency in the UK.
Revealed: The M&A strategy for success
For most business owners, their long-term goal is to expand the business they’ve built, and many turn to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as a route for fuelling business growth. However, M&A typically entails an intensive upheaval process; the only way to ensure that this upheaval will be worthwhile is by carefully managing the merger or acquisition from the outset, and adopting the right strategy.
What Are the PSC Rules and Do They Impact My Business?
As part of the UK Government’s trust and transparency agenda, the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act (SBEE) is now in effect as of April 2016. If your business is a UK incorporated company or limited liability partnership (LLP), this means you’ll be required to set up and maintain a ‘people with significant control’ (PSC) register. This article provides a helpful overview of the new PSC requirements, and briefly explains the steps for compliance.
The Powers of a Liquidator in Corporate Insolvency
Following the 2008 financial crash, there was a stream of news headlines announcing the liquidation of many well-known corporate powerhouses. Yet many business owners may still be unclear on what liquidation actually entails or what the role of a liquidator is. Here, we discuss the circumstances leading to liquidation, as well as the powers of a liquidator.
A Must-Read for Any First-Time Sale or Purchase of a Dental Practice
While buying or selling a dental practice is largely the same as buying or selling any small business, there are a number of additional considerations that come into play for dental practices. Here, we highlight some of the considerations for a first-time buyer or seller of a dental practice, to help both parties prepare for the transaction well in advance.
Our Essential Guide to Building a Business with an Exit Strategy
With more and more start-ups making headlines for multi-million-pound acquisitions by powerhouses like Facebook and Google, it’s unsurprising that many of today’s entrepreneurs are setting up their businesses with the ultimate goal of selling. Regardless of whether your chosen exit strategy is selling or an alternative, it’s important to plan well in advance when starting and building your business.
What Happens When Overseas Parties Acquire a UK Business?
The UK is an increasingly attractive destination for overseas investors seeking lucrative business opportunities. This is largely thanks to the UK’s welcoming business climate and well-established legal precedents for foreign mergers and acquisitions.