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Covid – 19: What to do if your contractor or supplier becomes insolvent because of coronavirus
It’s an uncertain time for most at the moment thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those running a business. For some businesses, particularly SMEs, times are even tougher. Struggling businesses are facing financial dire...
Covid – 19: How to sign documents during the coronavirus lockdown
With the vast majority of the population in lockdown, we are facing unprecedented and uncertain times. However, the world continues to turn and with that we’re having to figure out new and different ways of working. There are documents – contracts, deeds, legal...
Covid – 19: Will court hearings still go-ahead during coronavirus lockdown?
With the entire nation having to adapt to the major disruption that the global COVID-19 pandemic has brought along, it feels like life has been temporarily put on hold. Almost everybody is having to work from home if they can, and children are being home-schooled. The...
Covid-19 – Is it an excuse for non-performance of a commercial contract?
Covid-19 is starting to have a significant impact worldwide, affecting supply chains and daily commercial operations. While the short-term implications have seen many businesses close their doors entirely or switch to remote working where possible, the long-term...
Covid-19: Are you an employee? Do you know your rights?
There is no denying that we are living in uncertain times at the moment and the best thing you can do right now is educate yourself on your position and the different options that are available to you as an employee. Working from home The advice from the government is...
Covid-19: What employers should be aware of
If there is one thing that everyone is speaking about at the moment, it is the coronavirus - and rightly so; we are living through something that we have never experienced before in living memory. If you are an employer, you may be concerned about the future of your...
Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Update for employers and employees on Job Retention Scheme
After much speculation, the Government has now released more detailed guidance on the Job Retention Scheme which can be found at This update provide is a guide and aims to...
Covid-19 and Commercial Property
With the effects of COVID-19 causing entire businesses to close and workforces to uproot and work from home away from the office, it has created an issue for companies leasing properties for which they are paying rent but deriving no income. In such circumstances,...
Covid-19 and Contract Law
The shutdown brought about by the COVID-19 virus has resulted in a shift in circumstances for which most have never prepared. A huge number of events have been cancelled, many at the last minute. Many work projects have been postponed or cancelled, leaving either the...
COVID-19 and Employment Law
One of the biggest issues around the Coronavirus outbreak has been the need to "self-isolate" and dramatically reduce opportunities for COVID-19 to spread. This move to self-isolation has resulted in an estimated 20% of the UK workforce working from home. This...