One of the biggest issues around the Coronavirus outbreak has been the need to "self-isolate" and dramatically reduce opportunities for COVID-19 to spread. This move to self-isolation has resulted in an estimated 20% of the UK workforce working from home. This...
Where do you go for advice? Everyone’s the expert!
The UK Government has provided further details of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to help employers avoid redundancies during the Co-Vid pandemic. We have summarised the key features below. Scope of the Scheme The Scheme is open to all UK employers, who operated...
“I can’t get to work. The snowman won’t build itself!”
Winter is here & so is the snow.
Airports, motorways and sidewalks are slippery, icy or closed.
So, do I have to go to work?
Avoid the Dangers of Dismissing an Employee by Following These 7 Steps
In the unfortunate event that you must dismiss an employee for misconduct or poor performance, there are certain steps and measures to be followed in order to avoid the risk of disputes and litigation.
How to Avoid the Risk of Employee Claims when Varying the Terms of an Employment Contract
Employment terms often change over time when employees are promoted or receive a salary increase, for example. There are, however, certain changes to employment terms that employees are less willing to accept, such as pay cuts, changes to working hours, or the addition of new duties. It is therefore important that employers understand how to amend an employment contract with minimal risk of conflict.
What is TUPE?
TUPE is an acronym for the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employees) Regulations, which are designed to protect employees if the business they work for changes ownership or if there is any change in service provisions.
Due Diligence in the 21st Century: The value of social media
Due diligence is an integral part of any acquisition, allowing the buyer to thoroughly investigate every facet of a target company in order to ascertain its true worth. Here, we explain why investigating the social media worth of a target company should be a core component of the due diligence process.