Lending money to a friend or family member often results in issues like late payments or accusations of non payment. Nonetheless, there may come a time when you are asked to give a loan to a friend or family member, so here are seven key points to consider as the...
Business Advice
Do I Need A Privacy Policy On My Website?
To comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU e-Privacy Directive 2011 (also known as the Cookie Law), you must include a privacy policy on your website if it is based in the EU or targeting EU users, and you must obtain ‘informed consent’ from your website’s...
What To Do As A Business Owner Chasing Debt
At Carter Bond, we appreciate that a lot of businesses are still feeling the financial impact of the pandemic. As a result, we have seen an increase in business owners chasing debts that are due to them. Oftentimes, these aged debtors are a product of financial...
How To Dismiss A Company Director
Directors bear a great deal of responsibility and are legally bound to work in the best interests of the company. As such, any non compliance with the company’s articles, or any breach of duty must be treated seriously and in certain circumstances, a director’s...
Building A Business With An Exit Strategy
With more and more start-ups making headlines for multi-million-pound acquisitions by powerhouses like Facebook and Google, it’s unsurprising that many of today’s entrepreneurs are setting up their businesses with the ultimate goal of selling. Regardless of whether...
What To Consider When Selling Your Business
When selling your business, the foremost concern is usually getting a fair price for all of the hard work you’ve put into building your company over the years. However, there are also important legal considerations to take into account to ensure the transaction...
Corporate Insolvency For Businesses: 6 Things You Need To Know First
In challenging economic times, it is not uncommon for businesses of all sizes to find themselves in dire financial straits, which can lead to a company becoming insolvent. While insolvency is not a desirable scenario, some insolvency procedures can be the life raft a...
Buying Share Capital Vs Buying Assets
Many buyers of a business are often unclear as to the differences and repercussions of a share purchase versus an asset purchase, yet each type of acquisition involves very different procedural and legal requirements. In a share purchase or share acquisition, the...
What Is A Deed Of Postponement Between Creditors?
It is very common for a company to borrow money from several different creditors for varying reasons and in varying ways. As a result, creditors may be classified as a senior or junior creditor, depending on their level of risk. Junior creditors assume a greater risk...
7 Things To Consider When Starting A Business
Starting a business can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it is also a lot of work. Firstly, need to carefully consider the type of business you want to start, determine the industry you want to work in, the products or services you want to offer, and the...
5 Reasons Why You Need To Have A Shareholder’s Agreement
A shareholder’s agreement is an essential part of any business venture involving multiple shareholders. The agreement is a legal binding contract between all shareholders and is designed to protect the interests of the parties involved. We have highlighted the 5 main...
How TUPE Impacts You If You Are Selling Your Business.
If your business hires employees, it is more than likely that they are protected by the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) regulations, also known as TUPE. This means that if you’re selling your business, you must act in compliance with TUPE’s...
Essential Legal Tips For Every Start-up Business
Launching a start-up business is more than coming up with a great business idea, and it can be daunting to tackle all the legal requirements for your new company. That’s why we’re sharing a few key tips for every soon-to-be start-up founder, to set you and your...
Six Things Your Solicitor Can Teach You About Business
Although there is a common misconception that lawyers are only needed for drafting complex legal documents and mediating disputes, the reality is that the insight and guidance of solicitors can be more important for your business than you think. The right legal advice...
Do I Need A Privacy Policy On My Website?
To comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU e-Privacy Directive 2011 (also known as the Cookie Law), you must include a privacy policy on your website if it is based in the EU or targeting EU users, and you must obtain ‘informed consent’ from your website’s...
What Legal Documents Do I Need When Starting A Business?
There are lots of crucial nitty-gritty elements to starting your business, including key legal documents which could help you avoid pitfalls in the long run, from customer disputes to employee claims and the illegal disclosure of your company’s confidential...
What To Write On Your Website’s Terms And Conditions Page
Today, a well designed and well written website is the expected standard in the business world. However, there’s more to consider than cutting-edge design and engaging copy when launching your business website; there are essential legal elements that must be included...
What Are Your Duties As A Company Director?
When the Companies Act 2006 came into force in the UK, company directors were legally bound to fulfil certain duties or risk facing severe repercussions, including dismissal or disqualification by court order. Here is an overview of some of the general duties to give...
How to choose the right name for your business”?
Your company name is important for a number of reasons, and can make a significant difference in terms of success. It can make your brand well known and that is something every company wants, as it drives traffic and sales. So what does your name need to convey:...