What to know when buying a pharmacy

What to know when buying a pharmacy

Buying a pharmacy can be an exciting but complex endeavour, especially if you’re new to the process. Here are essential factors to consider before when taking the plunge: Money talks… When considering a pharmacy purchase, you will need to delve into the financial...
Building a business with an exit strategy

Building a business with an exit strategy

With more and more start-ups making headlines for multi-million-pound acquisitions by powerhouses like Facebook and Google, it’s unsurprising that many of today’s entrepreneurs are setting up their businesses with the ultimate goal of selling. Regardless of whether...
Looking to buy or sell a dental practice?

Looking to buy or sell a dental practice?

Just like life, the market conditions for the sale of a dental practice go in a cycle – once popular NHS practices no longer are in favour over private specialist practices. Where does that leave most sellers, and how does the process of selling affect this? When I...