Your trademark registration remains valid for a period of ten years from the initial date of filing your application, however it must be renewed once that period has elapsed in order to maintain its ongoing protection. Failure to renew your trademark registration will lead to the elapsing of your protection and puts you and your brand at risk.

Online And Postal Trademark Renewals

Renewing your trademark can be done independently online. If your trademark expired over six months ago, you may need to make your application via post. You have a period of 12 months within which you can renew your trademark, covering the six-month period before its expiry and then the six months following its expiry. Once the renewal period has expired, it is still possible for you to renew your trademark in certain circumstances.

Checking The Details

When you renew your trademark, you must check the key details such as your name, address, the services and goods’ class, and your registration number. You must also pay a renewal fee. This fee begins at £200 for your first services or goods class, with an additional £50 payable thereafter for every additional class.

Ensure Optimal Protection

When the time comes to renew your trademark, it is also a good idea to check your rights to ensure your trademark has optimal protection. This involves looking at whether your trademark has evolved since its initial filing as well as whether the services or goods describe your commercial interests at the present time adequately.

Which Is The Fastest Way To Renew My Trademark Registration?

Online renewal of your trademark is usually the speediest way of protecting your own intellectual property. You only require your email address and trademark number along with a credit or debit card to make payment. Although making a postal application for renewal is possible, this usually elongates the process, so bear this in mind before making your application.

For more information or for expert advice on business or personal legal issues, contact us at or email us at or call us on 020 3475 6751.

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