How Much Does It Cost To Have A Shareholder Agreement Drafted By A Lawyer?

If you have decided that your company and its shareholders could benefit from the protection offered by a Shareholder Agreement, you may be wondering whether it is worth using the services of a solicitor to draft one on your behalf, or whether you should simply create an Agreement yourself using one of the templates available online.

Is A Template Shareholder Agreement a Good Idea?

Of course, it will be much cheaper in the short term to use an online template, but before you rush into this course of action, you should consider the potential long-term implications of using this option. It is far more likely that something will be overlooked if you create a Shareholder Agreement without help from a legal professional. That could leave both your company and its shareholders in a precarious position should a dispute or disagreement arise.

When you use the services of a professional solicitor to draft your company’s Shareholder Agreement, you can rest assured that all eventualities will be pre-empted and covered in the provisions. You can have complete confidence that all possibilities will have been accounted for, and that enhanced protection will be provided in the event of a dispute or issue arising in the future.

Is It Expensive to Use A Solicitor To Draft A Shareholder Agreement?

There is no single answer to the question of how much it will cost to use the services of a solicitor to draft your company’s Shareholder Agreement. The final cost will depend on numerous factors including the complexity of your shareholder arrangements and the types of clauses needed within the Agreement. Nevertheless, it is still cheaper in the long run to pay for a solicitor to draft your bespoke Agreement than to face the expense of having to deal with a dispute in the future without adequate protection provisions.

We have an excellent team and you can contact us at Carter Bond Solicitors on 020 3476 6751 or by email

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