When you meet a professional to obtain independent legal advice, there are several things that you should expect from the meeting. A number of key discussions and considerations will take place in order to ensure that you fully understand all legal consequences and implications of your actions.

Obtaining Clarification

Upon meeting with your independent legal advisor, they will clearly obtain full information regarding the nature of the matter. They will then tailor the advice and information that they supply to specifically suit your circumstances.

Full Explanation of Legal Ramifications

Your legal advisor will clearly outline the terms of the agreement, situation, or transaction that you intend to enter into and fully explain all legal ramifications as well as the possible consequences of taking the action you are considering. They will ensure you have a complete understanding of all legal duties, obligations, and rights that are associated with your agreement, decision, or transaction and that you are entirely aware of your legal position. Furthermore, they will discuss and identify all potential liabilities, legal challenges, and risks that could arise from your proposed action. Should there be any alternative options or legal actions available to you, your advisor will also discuss these with you at this time so you can obtain a well-informed perspective.

Reviewing Compliance and Conditions

As part of your discussion, your advisor will ensure that your proposed actions comply with the relevant regulations, legal standards, and laws, and will highlight any possible non-compliance issues they encounter. They will explain and review all conditions, clauses, and terms of the contract, document, or agreement relating to the case to ensure your awareness and comprehension of their relevance and significance. If there are any tax or financial implications linked with the transaction, agreement, or action, these will be raised too.

Assurances and Queries

Your legal advisor will provide you with information regarding the expected next steps and timeframe involved in bringing your action or transaction to completion, including any administrative or legal procedures that must be followed. They will assure you of privacy and confidentiality regarding all information that you have shared during this process in line with their ethical and legal obligations. Finally, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, seek clarification, or voice your concerns in order to ensure you thoroughly understand the advice provided.

For more information or for expert advice on business or personal legal issues, contact us at info@carterbond.co.uk or email us at www.carterbond.co.uk or call us on 020 3475 6751. This content is not intended to be used as a substitute for specific legal advice or opinions. No recipients of content from this site should act or refrain from acting on the basis of content of the site without seeking appropriate legal advice